Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Back on the Blog

Okay familly... I miss hearing what's going on, seeing pictures, getting updates, etc. So let's pick this thing back up. Upload your pictures - we'd love to see a sonogram picture of Roman, pics of Kimberly's fam, updates on Michelle's trip, and everybody else and their goings on!!!!

Love you and can't wait to stay better caught up with you all.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey, I don't have any pics of me but I thought I'd share some pictures of my class from the school performance.
This was our class play. It was pretty much as ridiculous as it looks.

This is the very authentic African narrator in Tribal cotume.

Everyone was very excited, especially the girls the 'very beautiful' bunny suits.

These picutres are of our class dance "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile."

Yes, that's a high-kick line. We were very endeavorous with our choreography.

The boys were actually a bit upset about there costumes. Sadly, these were the best costumes in the catalogue. Koreans have some crazy ideas about what they think looks good! The girls, of course, thought that their own costumes were beautiful.

Ah, yes, the grand finalle. I was so relieved when all of this was over. The kids said they had fun, but man was it a lot of work. Anyways, that's what I was up to last month.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! I'll see you all soon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Evans Christmas


We made a short video as a family on Christmas Eve. It's for you AND your class!!! Here's the link... hope it works ok.

Love you!

Kirkland family pics

So here's a few of our latest family pictures... wanna good laugh? Jason's ex Jessica took our family pictures for us. Hope you're all well. Love ya!!!!!!

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